Today was a good day. One of those things keep happening, good and not-so-good, but all in a good flow, a good vibe...
We started out with this:

I looooove my bike. Biking in the city isn't nearly as scary as I thought it would be, although I do tend to stay away from the main roads (especially if Safiya is with me in the child seat). Zipping around, picking up a few things or not, long haul or short, and I'm happy as a lark on this fine, piece of heavy bicycle beauty (found and fixed up courtesy of the cool dude bike fiend who is married to my great friend Janet). Man, none of your ultra-lightweight-modern-look-at-me-racing bikes had better mess with this baby, because she will take you down!
This morning, however, Safiya was having none of the helmet. The end goal being having her to actually want to wear the helmet and not wanting to traumatize her (after an attempt during which I actually did nip her little chin with the clip by accident while trying to get it on.....sigh), we abandoned the whole bike idea and walked to our destination...1.6 kilometers away (which is apparently a 3 minute drive according to Google maps). Ha ha! Not when you're with an almost-three-year-old who choose to wear her rainboots during 32-degree-celsius-in-the-shade-and-huuuumid weather (that's 89 F for our American friends). To both our credits, we had a really nice, long walk with water breaks and a playground break and everything. Sometimes slow travel is the only way to go :-)
And when we got home, a package from our friends on the other side of the world, waiting for us (I wonder how long it took to get here?). Yay! A pink koala t-shirt and awesome Aussie wild animal letter flashcards. This is my favourite:

Why do I find that amusing?
Oh, and I finally listed stuff in my etsy shop! I'm just listing as I go along, and apologies for some of the pictures (why is it so hard to photo a blanket?), but I figured better to list than not....I'll try to maybe get some better pictures and keep experimenting....
The babe and her Babo are at the park.....hmmmm I think a little craft-experimenting is in order :-)
sending a big hooray for your shop!!
Finny wore her rainboots today too! We headed down to the Textile Museum for the fabric sale. It was crazy, but cheap and even though the children were bored stiff, I think it was definitely worth it.
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