So I lost all the business cards and tags and contact numbers that I received yesterday.....
I'm blaming it on the coffee, but am still hopeful that they'll be found (I probably put them in a "safe" place...somewhere...good grief...)
So nice artist woman who wanted me to make quilts with your fabric stash, hi! And really nice cool girl who's going to be a teacher and had a rockin' apron on and who wanted me to see her friend's jewelry booth, hi! There are more....sigh.... Luckily I do remember Becky and Katharine's business names, 'cause we spent all day shivering across from each other (it was pretty cold!).

Craft fair people are of a certain ilk, I think. I'm new at this, and was glued to my table in a must-say-hi-to-everyone-who-comes-by and must-keep-everything-arranged-just-so coffee induced delirium, so it was so lovely for Becky of HoneyBea to come over and say hi to the obvious newbie. I've seen her awesome stuff at Grassroots, and she was just so laid back and had such a generous and positive vibe that I'm looking forward to talking to her again and possibly learning some things, 'cause she looked like she was in the groove :-)
And hi to Katharine. Katharine was right across from me and had the cutest banner up that said "me and the girls" and she had smocks! I've been coveting the smocks love and just haven't had the time to make one yet for Safiya, so at the end of the fair we swapped and yay! I'm the proud owner of the most lovely and well-made strawberry print smock that I don't have a picture for (ack! sorry!) but will post tomorrow. And as I said, there's something about craft people. Not only is she pleasant to talk to and has a cute-vintage aesthetic that I love, turns out Katharine is delving into unschooling as well! And she likes orange. Anybody who likes orange can't be that bad. Don't ask me why, that's just the way it is.

I'm still not done talking about this...hee hee!
More tomorrow....
call me stalkerish but after yesterday's post I've been waiting for this one to tell you to visit Freddy's blog (winnifredblair.blogspot.com) to see her in her superhero cape. Send me an e-mail through my blog/ or the shop so I don't have to just keep posting here with every little idea.
so so fun to see how much joy the craft fairies have delivered to you!! and um, orange, you're right on -- we have orange flannel sheets for winter sleeping in our house...
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