Wednesday 14 March 2007

Spring Things

I can smell the earth today. Upon opening the front door this morning, that pungent, winter-doesn't-have-a-chance smell sang its way into the house with the birds.

Inside we fixed up Safiya's little friends (who had been looking the worse for wear, I mean love):

The one with pink antennae is the baby, which she insisted should have pink eyes, as well. Hmmm....looks a little devil-spawn-ish, but I'm sure the parent caterpillars are good people...

Embroidery is a bit of my nemesis as far as getting things done. There is a be-butterflied "dresser scarf" that I started when I was a young teenager that is languishing somewhere, and I don't know what to do with it. It's my oldest project, I think. Can't donate it (sentimental?), can't seem to finish it (sigh)...What do you do with really really old projects? I'm curious what everyone else does...

So to avoid that trap, I did something simple today, something that is going to be part of a gift and so it was imperative that I finish and with grace, and so (sorry about the bad lighting!):

I really really enjoyed that. Maybe my nemesis has a good heart after all...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh. my. goodness. your embroidery is beautiful! as is your description of the spring air - i can smell it!!