Tuesday, 27 February 2007

On Not Being Someone Else

I have to say something about Amanda at SouleMama.

It's her two year blog anniversary. This is someone who I do not know (which is not just an oddity of the blogasphere - think of all the writers on paper who you don't know), but who has generously shared though her blog. Shared her love of craft, her family, and a genuine appreciation for the world around her. There is something about the ease of her writing, a rhythm to what she says that very often resonates with me for the rest of the day. Amanda manages to inspire in such a way that my reaction isn't "oh, I wish I could be her", it's "I wonder what will happen to me if I make my own path..." She is who she is, and so lets you be.

At our house, we enjoy a little book of poetry by Arnold Adoff called "Black is brown is tan", and my favourite lines are:

"this is the way it is for us
this is the way we are"

Unapologetic, just living.

Thanks Amanda.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And thanks to you Marnie, for sharing this great philosophy and lovely quotation. I'm off to find this little book.