Wednesday, 28 February 2007

Spring in the Air...

I think I've caught a mild case of spring fever (that pun is for Mr.S, who knows I'm terrible at puns and before whose punniness I bow down...that was a pun, right?) from the lovely Sarah, who is behind cloth.paper.string, and who was kind enough to leave me my first comment (about which I had to call the aforementioned Mr.S at work because I was soooo excited - maybe a bit blog-geeky, eh?) I find her blog soothing, somehow, and I plan to visit it often. She mentions that something-spring-on-the-periphery-feeling in her latest entry, and here, well here it's sunny and warm (above zero, anyway) and the birds are chirping.

You see that? That is the snow retreating...

All this means that today, of course, I am compelled to clean. Thoroughly. Nothing like warm air and a fresh breeze to make me stay inside chasing dust bunnies and scum dragons out the windows or into the bowels of my vacuum.

While I was vacuuming upstairs, this is what Safiya was up to:

Can I just say again how much I love her? I think I'll leave them there for a little bit...
I think today is for mentioning people who are loved, and so I'll say hello to my littlest brother (who, like most little brothers, now towers over me at 6 feet) and because I know he'll be reading this today, I say to him to check out Kerri's 100 ideas (see post below) and see where #33 and #56 take you! Have fun!


Anonymous said...

It's 6'4. (or 191cm for the imperial impaired)

Anonymous said...

Here is something I wrote about spring a number of years ago in my journal (BB?...before blogging)
"Today seems to be the first spring day of the year. There is still snow and the bite of winter's air, but the sun is warm on your face and wispers promises to your skin. I can't say how it differs froma warm winter's day, exactly....and we've had many, but the soul knows. A million years of evolution have culminated today in my inate sense that the seasons have begun to turn again.