Monday 28 July 2008


Safiya will be four on Wednesday. Her birthday party was yesterday. Thank you to all family, friends, and neighbours who jammed into our little place and shared a wonderful day of food and kids running around and the tides of party-noise that is always music to my ears: talking, laughing, kids banging various musical instruments at various times, clinking cutlery, the telling of stories, books read out loud to children crowded around, the yelling for coffee...

A delightful day, with a very happy little girl in the middle of the whirl.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! My daughter India will be three next Monday, but she insists that she is really turning four!

Barbara Brown said...

happy birthday!lots of orange going on today.there is some also at house on hill road. love the drawings, very cute. p.s. we are a homeschooling family also.

cloth.paper.string said...

happy, happy birthday safiya! and happy, happy birth-day to your mama, too!

Anonymous said...

yay! happy birthday, safiya!