And sweet and sgenerous and sthoughtful....
When I did the Children's Trunk Show, my booth neighbour was the sweet Lillian, who runs Bamboo Lily. Her stuff is adorable and well made and environmentally conscience, so please go and check out what she makes because she is due some awesome karma. She was cleaning out her studio, she had extra fabric, she knew from the show that I use recycled fabric, and next thing you know there's this email asking me if I would like two large garbage bags full of fabric.
My head almost exploded.
And to top it off, she passed on to me some incredible fabrics from her Mom, who had brought them from India in the 60's. That is about the coolest thing I've ever heard, and so to delight your senses, here's a little sampling:

Good quality fabrics; silks, wools, psychedelic polyesters, cottons, just about like falling into fabric heaven.
And I'm really excited about this, which is a ruched chiffon:

Actually, I love the paper in which it is enclosed as well, and my mind is racing, thinking up possibilities...
And to top it all off, some awesome vintage dresses, also from India:

Thanks, Lillian. Generosity like yours is truly kind-hearted. And being the fortunate recipient of such generosity prompts me to pass it on. So, please share a tale of generosity here, in the comments. If not just for the fact that stories like that spread warmth, but for the fact that I've got two identical packages ready to be sent out containing pieces of some of my favourites:

There are some surprise pieces in there as well, and some of that chiffon, just to spread the happiness around.
Now, for the sake of transparency, I have packages from two give-aways....last year, that are still W.I.P. I've been pretty good since then, but if you are someone who is waiting for one of those, do not despair! And please comment again, because these packages are hot to trot and waiting to go :-)
Let's see...leave a story of generosity in the comments for this post by Wednesday, July 30, which is Safiya's birthday (yay!), and we'll randomly draw two numbers and have the packages out by the end of that week.
Thanks Lillian!
I have been learning to sew for a few years, and have been on a look-out for a serger. A friend of mine found one at a garage sale and gave it to me!!! She said it needed repairs, and so I took it to the shop, and found out that it needs one part and a tune up!!! Otherwise, it looks great! I can't wait to learn more about sewing when I get the serger back! Maybe I will be able to make something special for her new baby.
I just culled my fabric stash, so now I have room to give some of yours a home!
...just surfed in on your blog. No story of generosity here - only to say how lucky you are to receive such an assortment of yummy fabrics to add to your stash.
Love your Grow Child quilt, it's so sweet.
Wow, those are great!
My story of generosity is that I've been desperate to make the angry chicken's rhubarb hand pies abut could not find rhubarb anywhere. My friend Amy drove a fair distance to her mother's house, went out in tremendous heat and picked me some rhubarb and brought it to my house. Sometimes people are just lovely!
I am always a little late but that was a heart warming story!!! Free old fabric > new fabric!
My favorite tale of generousity is from my youth. We were camping in our VW bus and we kept smelling the most amazing baking wafting from the campsite next to us. Around dinner time the man from the camp next door brought over a dutch oven FULL of the most delicious rolls ever. He said his wife had made too many but they obviously were being kind and sharing the treat that is fresh baked bread while camping. I must have been 12 but I've always remembered the man, the rolls and the purely kind gesture he and his family made.
Please excuse my ignorance, but he may have been Mennonite. He was dressed simple in an old fashioned hat. They weren't Amish but definitely not dressed "of the era".
Oh, and Happy Birthday to your little (BIG) one!
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