And no, I did not match the scraps of paper to her little night t-shirt....
First, thank you kind people for the lovely comments and roll-love. Safiya and I are visiting family, so I'm waaaay behind on emails, but I will be getting back to each one of you (yes, yes, I know it's not like 80 people commented, but you know what? it's still more than all my fingers, so :-)
What was I doing? (can you tell it's way to late for me?) Ah yes - #4 - Paige, my dear, you'll have to email me your address (and I have an idea which roll will be flying your way ;-) Congrats!
I will be taking up the good idea suggested in the comments a couple of times of a 2-pocket roll, and I've also decided to make some (of both the 4-pocket and the 2-pocket persuasion) for The Spring Thing trunk show, and I'll post some in my shop within the next two weeks.
And since it's really not that hard to make, when we get back to Toronto next week I promise I'll post a tutorial as well!
That everything? o.k. sleepy Mama needs to go to bed!
Thanks again for taking part!
OMG! I was about ready to go to bed myself, but now I've gotta celebrate! (Self, pour Self another glass of wine, would 'ya??)And thank you...my little family and I will love this for camping and picnics this summer.
Look foward to the tutorial
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