Tuesday 15 April 2008

A Little 200th Post Love (for a Greener Planet and All You Nice People)

Want to be my cutlery buddy?

I know, that's so not cool....not even not cool enough to be cool. But hey, I'm loving this cutlery roll, and I had so much fun making it that I made two the same! (I'm thinking good craft fair item?) We put ours (the prototype - it's the one with the wonky seams 'cause I forgot to add the pocket at the right time) to a test drive yesterday at Safiya's favourite little sushi place. Very often at restaurants they give you throw-away cutlery and napkins, and this is our little way of cutting down on the garbage. It would also be great for picnics! I suppose you could use real silverware for a little luxe, but I'm not up to lugging the extra weight, so we packed ours with plastic cutlery from our oh-darn-I-forgot-to-tell-the-take-out-guys-not-to-include-cutlery-and-stuff drawer.

When lunch was done, we quickly wrapped up the dirty cutlery, put it back in the roll, and when we got back home popped everything in the washing machine (wait - cutlery in the sink, of course). Easy-peasy! The whole thing's cotton (except the ribbons), so it's durable. It's got 4 cutlery pockets plus one smaller one for extra stuff (more napkins, anyone?) 'cause I'm a Mama and Mamas need nice things that are practical and pretty :-)

I didn't do a give-away for my one year blogiversary, but today is my 200th post! Good grief, that's a lot of babbling! So, if you want to help lessen the burden on this precious earth of ours, leave a comment by midnight Tuesday, April 22 and I'll send you the buddy to our cutlery roll! (including the napkins, which are a cotton/poly blend, but you'll have to add your own cutlery). I'm giving you guys a week! On Wednesday, April 22 Safiya will draw a name randomly out of a hat, and I'll mail it that day! (I'm getting better on the procrastination, even though I still owe the lovely Jen the package she won from too long ago, and there are others but for them I've got a year according to the rules :-)....maybe this is a way of publicly getting myself in gear...however, speaking of babbling, I digress...)

And of course, I'll send you the nice one - no wonky seams for such nice people :-)


Gretchen said...

Lovely! Would be great for picnics as well. Heck, I'd even take the wonky seams...

Just Me said...

marnie, i would love a smaller version (like 2 pockets?) to take to work for lunch...it would be perfect!

you are so clever...

angie :)

Heather said...

Gorgeous! Happy 200th post! I'd love to be included in your draw!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on number 200 - and here's to 200 more! (And I love that bird fabric so much I can hardly stand it!)

Florence Knapp (Flossie Teacakes) said...

What a lovely, lovely idea! Just perfect for summer. I love the bird fabric too....but actually, I think they're both gorgeous. x

Anonymous said...

These are ever so clever and and go along with my current obsessions with making beautiful, resuable things to replace disposable "conveniences." Your work was my first inspiration to start sewing again, and I have!
--Mary Ann

Anonymous said...

Happy, happy posts, yay!

Bunny B said...

Congrats on your 200th post!! Love the birdie one! It's adorable!! :)

martha brown said...

Congratulations on your 200th post -- I love your stuff -- and can't wait to see more at the Workshop sale. I love the birdie fabric (and think that it would be a great idea to make the cutlery roll ups with 2 slots for packed lunches!)

Anonymous said...

That cutlery roll is really lovely and a great idea.

Sue Cahill said...

Congrats! Thanks for the chance at something so cute and clever. What a perfect idea for picnics.
(sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)

Things Hand Made said...

I think its a great idea and I would have to make sure all cutlery was well licked before it went back in!Add it to my list of things to make!

sweetie pie press said...

okay, i debated it (for fear of unnecessary accumulation) but i'd like to enter the draw. the reverend and i are going on the road (where waste is unbelievable) and a little cutlery roll might be just what we need to avert even more wastefulness.

this post also reminded me that i owe two people things from giveaways on my blog. i should do that before we skip town.

kathirynne said...

I love your blog! (I respect anyone who adores Dickens as much as I do!)

This cutlery roll is the perfect thing to tuck into my picnic basket. Will you be posting a tutorial?