Tuesday, 25 March 2008

I Blog, You Blog, We All Blog!

(Safiya a year ago...)

Thanks to Florence at Flossie Teacakes for tagging me for a meme about blogging!

1. Why did you start your blog?
This community of bloggers was so appealing, and like a lot of people, I had no idea this world existed until I was googling something or other crafty and one thing led to another and suddenly I had a ridiculous number of craft blogs bookmarked. And then that wasn't enough - reading wasn't enough, I wanted to participate and maybe give back a little. Couple that with a dearth of creativity in my life and that crossroads that a lot of Mamas go through when their little ones are between toddlerhood and being a kid, and you feel you need to do something for yourself and voila!

2. How did you come up with your blog name?
See sidebar. I couldn't for the life of me think of what to call this space until one day I idly picked up Dickens' "Hard Times" and there it was. Clear as day. I am girl number twenty and this space is my voice, my protest sometimes against the concrete sidewalk of the world, and also my solace.

3. Do your friends and family know about your blog? What do they think of it?

Yep. My family and friends far away like it because it lets them keep in touch in a completely unique way. The only person who doesn't often have time is my Mom (she really is really busy), which is kind of wierd, I think.....it's o.k. 'cause I think she thinks the whole concept is wierd :-) And I just asked Mr. S. what he thought of the blog, and after thinking for a bit he said (wait for it)....."It's good."

4. How do you write posts?
Usually I've already got it in my head. It's how I used to write essays for school (but somehow I agonise more over posts than I ever did over essays :-) - it just comes out. There is very little editing or rearranging. First I upload the pictures and put them in order with space for the words, then I fill in the words. I'll read it aloud a couple of times (o.k. when Mr. S. is home, otherwise strange, I know), and then...done!

5. Have you ever had a troll or had to delete unkind comments?
Nope. People here have been kind and fantastic! I had to delete an advertisement once, but that's it!

6. Do you check your stats? Do you care how many people read your blog? If you do care, how do you increase traffic?
I quite honestly started out really wanting it to just be an experiment, a place to putz around and for once not care what other people think. And then I put a stats counter in. Ha! That thing's addictive, man. But a contest for high numbers? Not really - I'm pretty happy if someone's reading, that's all :-) When I do a new post I'll check to see if anyone's noticed (I still get a little thrill to see someone's read something I've written!), but it's not as bad as it used to be. In my experience I've found that submitting for whip-up generally results in an increase in traffic and some new people say hi, which is always really nice.

7. What kind of blogs/posts interest you?
Different kinds attract me on different days. There are the ones that are reliable good, with good, sincere writing and beautiful pictures. Ones where even if I've been reading for a while if I have time I'll go back and read archives. And then some places I know there are always smart, new tutorials and lots of crafting ideas, or good design inspiration. Kind of new to me are blogs of friends that I've met either through this space or through the craft scene here in Toronto - that's an entirely different kind of anticipation, and it's wonderful.

8. What do you like and dislike about blogging?
Ugh - that guilty feeling when I've been away for a while. That's the only thing I dislike, and that's not really about blogging, that's about not blogging :-) Like most people, I suppose, I love when people comment - that kind of communication can brighten anyone's day! Also, being able to sink into a day and ruminate for a bit. To capture goodness and frustration and excitement...and in the end, with no apologies, this space really is my own, and I'm proud of it.

That's it for tonight! And I'm not going to tag anyone because I promised myself I'd go to bed before 9:30! Night-night!


Florence Knapp (Flossie Teacakes) said...

I love your photograph. It's so interesting to hear how others compose their posts - I love that you read them aloud! x

Heather said...

I agree with Florence. Also, I love reading your blog and this helped me to get to know you even better.