Amongst piles of scraps, mountain high, divided by colours, we claimed our territory: "Pink, it has to be pink!" And so, just sitting and talking, scissors in hand, in-between learning to tie and finding the perfect scraps, we sl-ow-ly assembled what was declared to be "The best wreath ever":

Our little gesture of festivity is inspired by this wreath, found via whip-up. And as I look at the original now, I realise why Safiya kept insisting that it have a blue bow...well, tomorrow that will have to be changed :-)
And there's that long-ish piece sticking out on the right-hand-side....arg!....I have to go and fix that....right now
I really like this, I've seen a few in this style. Very cool! -kb
I love it! nw where are my scraps....
oh, that is such a good idea for scraps!
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