Saturday, 1 December 2007

Four Hour Round Up

The low-light setting of my camera is great except that you've either got to have a tripod or a really steady hand. Hmmmm, as the above picture proves, must cut back on....what? I don't drink coffee, so maybe chocolate? No, that can't possibly be it :-)

If this works it will be quite possibly the easiest way to clothe a child, ever. Felt sweater, cut off sleeves and neckline, cut out armholes. Ta-da! I added slits at the bottom sides for a little bit more ease of movement because it wasn't quite a-line, but since the shape is based on a little dress she already has, it'll probably fit. Yay for felt tunics!

Some other things finished in the four hours of lovely craft time this afternoon:

New legwarmers for Safiya! And, from Cynthia Treen's Last Minute Fabric Gifts:

A hat pour moi. "Why hello, Robin Hood" said Mr. S. upon my surfacing from the basement. Hmmmm, I thought so myself a little, but I was also trying to persuade myself that at a certain angle it could be jaunty-and-just-a-little-glam-in-a-30's-kind-of-way. That is, until Mr. S. burst my bubble. Well, it's off to rob the rich and give to the poor I go!


Kelly said...

the dress is adorable, what a great idea! -kb

Anonymous said...

love the results of your crafting spree, marnie. especially that little stripey dress!!

meg said...

the hat is sweet and a lovely color!