Tuesday, 14 August 2007


Wandering my parents' garden in the country....

Drinking in the abundance...

And the riot of colour...

All on a glorious morning, Safiya chattering away in the background with my Mom as I trip away with the camera to be lost in the early sweet summer sun.

The roses are lovely, but it's my Mom's vegetable garden that astounds me every year. Because of the abundance, and also because my Mom doesn't do anything! In the spring she plops a couple of seeds and baby plants in the few spots where things haven't re-seeded from last year, she doesn't weed or water, and this stupendous crop just bursts up. The forest of dill that we harvested for the pickles? She never planted it - it just, well, appeared. There's something about the soil....And staking? Who stakes?

And every year she has the best cherry tomatoes that I've ever tasted. She hasn't planted cherry tomatoes in a decade! Meanwhile my poor garden in its shady, sandy soil, though a valiant attempt, exists solely for the amusement of the neighbourhood squirrels and raccoons.

Next year I'll just sneak some of my Mom's soil and sprinkle it over my garden...you know, like fairy dust. Maybe that will work?......

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