I was up to my ears for a while, there! The Children's Trunk Show was lovely. The organizers were lovely, the space was very very lovely. There were a couple of glitches with the "Green Room" idea (nobody knew where we were - no signs! and nothing like nibbles and drinks to entice people in on the Thursday gala night, so it was a bit lonely for a while...) but Friday was so packed that there was a stroller traffic jam wherever one looked. When we were setting up, the people next to me very kindly asked how many trade shows I had done before....Ummmm.....this is a trade show? Yikes! Ignorance is bliss, 'cause I would have been even more nervous!
So thank you to all of the people who came by - your encouraging words are why I love to do craft shows. And a few quick thoughts on the definition of success: if I make back the cost of my table, good. If I meet a lot of nice people and have some interesting conversations, good. If I get a lot of work done while sitting at my table, good. Anything beyond that is extra :-)
(sorry about the graininess - there a lot of hurried photo taking that day...)
That being said, I did work my behind off. Six quilts, five wool blankets, the usual truckload of capes and beanbags, some legwarmers, cutlery rolls.....whew! And looky here! I've been hoarding the silk saris I found last year for too long, and finally worked up the gumption to cut into them - eeep!

Cuddly, cuddly felted merino wool and silk. Scrumptious and so enjoyable to make. There wasn't much balance before this show, but there was some delicious immersion into just making stuff....maybe, just maybe I didn't want to be balanced? Hmmmmm.........
Goodness, girl, you have been busy! I wish I could've been there - what a lot of beautiful stuff! I can't imagine the time it must take to prepare...?!
Hello again,
Met you at the craft show. Loved all your craftiness. I am still coveting that tablecloth you had!
Hey, also met you at the show. I agree, I thought they could have organized it better. Greenmom Market the following day had a better layout (though far less charm) and organization. You should get in touch with them.
I'd love to feature your wares on our site. Please send me an email and let's discuss.
I should mention my work site is www.Sweetmama.ca (not to be confused with my smutty blog)
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