Monday 23 July 2007

Wherefore Art Thou, Orange and Green?

My love affair with orange and green started with:

It was sketched by my Mom when she was fifteen, when she was dreaming of college and fashion design. I love the jauntiness of it, the optimism....and the orange and green. And now those colours are finding their way into our kitchen:

One of my favourite vintage teatowels (1976 :-), above (empty - I really have to go to the farmers' market) bins for onions and sweet potatoes. And then there's this:

My favourite bowl of all time, because of the colours and because it was made by my littlest brother when he was only in grade 9 - pretty cool, eh?

So when I spied these pretty napkins at the thrift store in my hometown?

Of course they're home home now :-)


Anonymous said...

Oh, I love that picture of your mother's. That's just what I would like to look like. Must find a way to grow longer, skinnier legs. Also, color my hair, get new glasses, buy a green herringbone suit...

Anonymous said... and green. Yummy. When I was little, my first big girl room was orange, green and yellow. I still remember each piece of fabric my mom used. Great colors!