Monday, 30 July 2007

A Good Day reference to Safiya's third birthday party on Saturday, of which this was the (partial) aftermath:

....we don't have a dishwasher...there are two big toteboxes of dishes on the floor that you can't see - thank goodness! About thirty wonderful friends and family were here for BBQ lunch and Safiya had a blast (I think - she was birthday-party-and-i've-only-eaten-toast-honey-and-chocolate cupcakes-all -day delirious and presents!-presents!-presents! crazy, but I think that's a good thing when you're three....)

Our little house was packed, which I loved, because everything rang with laughter and kids playing various "musical" instruments and people calling for more coffee and stories and jokes and "can-I-help-you?" and "move the tables outside!" (I had a table set up inside in the playroom so that we could fit everyone to sit down - forget it - everyone crammed in our little backyard!)

Mr. S. and I prepared for a while for this, but you know what I did on the Tuesday and Wednesday before the party? Clean? nope. Make party favours? nope. Cook? nope (besides which Safiya and I both had summer colds - bleh) Finish the baby quilt I'm working on for my cousin? nope.

Read the latest Harry Potter book from beginning to end, practically non-stop (as non-stop as you can when there's an almost-three-year-old in the house?)



Anonymous said...

Have those leftover cupcakes been licked clean of frosting?

Anonymous said...

happiest birthday wishes to safiya!!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Safiya!!!

PS Don't spoil Potter for us, We're reading it with Fred and she seems to think it is not a replacement for meals, nor trips to the park and somehow she even thinks there is time in the day for other books.

She'll learn.