And see? I did embroider that night....and it did help :-) (Oh, and next time I'm feeling that way, I think we'll have a Soulemama day...what a great way to switch gears...Amanda rocks)

It's supposed to be a hedgehog, since one of Safiya's favourite books is "The Hat" by Jan Brett. The pocket nearly didn't make it on because Safiya saw it and wanted to keep it as a pet...

So the only thing left to do on the smock is the buttonholes and buttons. And guess what?....I'm a buttonhole virgin. It's true! (And wouldn't that make a good band name? Hmm...maybe not? What's your vote? Anyway...) I'm saving making them for tomorrow...or maybe it's a weekend thing....

I hope you don't mind all the pictures...it's only the second article of clothing that I've sewn for Safiya, ever. Shameful I know, but true and hopefully, something that's going to change :-)
Yesterday and today have been good to me. Safiya and Mr. S. hung out yesterday evening and I sewed, and today, well today was sublime....
The day started out with Safiya running around the house excitedly, saying "Are our guests here yet? Are they?" That's a good way to start the day. Johanna, who I met at the Toronto Craft Chat, came over and we talked.....craft....all morning! Now, to put this in context, not any of my other friends sew or such, and so it's usually my Mom who is on the receiving end of craft-talk around here. Which is great and all, but it's, well...it's not the same (Hi Mom :-) We talked craft-room strategies, fabric, the "state of craft" ;-) all kinds of things that are so much better shared when the other person has that knowing, excited spark in their eye. Johanna is incredibly talented, and she brought her darling daughter (so the girls played while we talked - sweet!) and a bit of her work along, and look! Goodies pour moi! How very kind and thoughtful!

Some copies of Thread magazine (one of which I have coveted before, so what a lovely surprise), embroidery floss, really cute trim, and to top it all off, the coolest Alexander Henry fabric ever and I say that because:

With a name like mine, that never happens!
I love the smock--that pink fabric with big flowers is fantastic, and the hedgehog is too cute.
"bottonhole virgin"?! Marnie, as your gay friend, I must protest your very obvious tease. What am I meant to do with that? IT'S JUST TOO EASY.
JIHAD! xox Timmy
Dearest Tim! This is a pure craft blog, my dear - when i'm thinking buttonholes, i mean buttonholes!!!
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