Again the word bliss. These kind of sunny days really truly bliss me out. We've been out in the backyard, gardening. In bare feet. Waking up from naps to go right outside, still snuggling under the blanket ("it's too sunny, Mama!" oh yay to hear those words)...

If we're inside, Safiya finds sunny spots like a happy kitten, murmuring little girl murmurs about the warmth.

We moved to a house basically because we only ever got light from the west in our condo, and there was no green space. I'm a sun and dirt person in a serious-joyful-just-lay-there-with-ants-crawling-over-my-arms smelling-the-earth-warming way. So right now....bliss.
'Course now the problem is, what about the crafting? We have grand plans for building a little strawbale studio/greenhouse at the back of our small lot some year, but until then....

Because, you know, I've been thinking.

About the Leslieville Tree Festival, for which I registered an "artisan" table and it's on May 12, which is coming up (eek!). But what are you making? you say.... We haven't really seen anything? you say..... That's because I've actually been busy crafting, which feels wonderful, and I'm so excited (I've just deleted a whole bunch of "but....and....time...but.....whine...." - whew! that feels better!). So, I'm soooo excited. It's my first craft show ever, I have no idea what I'm doing, but hey? What's the worst that can happen? Besides Safiya ending up with 30 pairs of legwarmers and a bunch of blankets and....oh, the last bit I'm saving 'cause I'm having so much fun making them. I promise pictures very soon.
So in the next few weeks, happy Mama will choose to let some things go. Happy Mama chooses to sometimes groove to homemade Indian food, sometimes scrambled eggs for dinner (thank goodness for eggs!). Happy Mama chooses to tolerate a few dust bunnies (do you hear me? bunnies? a few - I see you...) Happy Mama will still go to bed at 10-ish and wake up at 7-ish (because she's not Martha and actually needs to sleep). Happy Mama chooses to not have the computer on at all times. Happy Mama chooses to craft when she can and recognize when to breathe and put it down and not push it, even if there's a deadline. Why? Because it's my deadline and I'm really doing it just for me.
May sound a bit selfish, but it feels so right and so good.
Pictures soon, I promise...
This little post of yours is so near and dear to my heart. You have said many things that I have been thinking and just couldnt find a way to express...gardening, barefeet, sunshine, sewing outside, thinking of a show of somesort. Thank you!
your blog is lovely! i have been seriously considering sewing outside. it is just too gorgeous!
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