Tuesday 23 February 2010

Works in Progress...

My sock (yes, still the first one :-)

My freezer project happily underway; food for when The Bump arrives (so far we've got curry, spaghetti sauce, cookies, pancakes, soups, and some slices of the amazing toasted walnut and sundried tomato polenta that Mr. S. made on Friday...)

The Bump :-) A little over 2 months to go and all of the sudden, there seems so little time...


Things Hand Made said...

thats a lovely little bump you are grwoing there. You have 2 months to go... wow. Hope it goes well

Kitchen Sinks said...

It is so much pretty.....love this bump....and only just with threads.wow...keep it up

gallery 802 said...

Good Work..please update it with some new designs..thanks for sharing this information.

Secret Admirer said...

I have been too nervous to attempt to knit socks but that pair is just so inspiring they look super snuggley. Good luck getting them on when your bump is bigger.