Wednesday 22 July 2009

Summer Sweet

Sometimes you're lucky. Sometimes tomorrow is rainbow day at music camp and your Mom happens to have a pillowcase with a rainbow on it at home.

Sometimes you're lucky.


Amy said...

Lucky indeed! I had a pillowcase just like that when I was a kid and last year when my parents moved my mom found it and gave it to me - I've been saving it for just the right project - maybe a quilt for one of the kids...

Ghostface Knittah said...

That is one seriously stylin' kid.

HMaas said...

Wow - how cute does she look - what a lucky girl for sure!

karyn said...

who wouldn't want a rainbow skirt? that is the cutest!

Anonymous said...

Best pillow case skirt I've seen!

cloth.paper.string said...

oh goodness. fantastic!!!

hanna said...

just found your blog via cloth.paper.string, LOVE the skirt,I could do with one of those myself :)

Unknown said...

Sweetie, it's really time to find a way to write down your big (and growing) news ... And it's a great excuse to sit down and think things out for a bit, specifically the happy things. Especially the happy things.

Love ya, babe.

serendipity and kate said...

I love the photo's on your blog :)