Theoretically, one could sew a needle book one's self. But why would one when there are talented and lovely people like Claire from Needlebook to do it? And so prettily, I might add. And she's as lovely in person as her writing led me to believe, so it was very nice meeting her (in danger of exposing my inner craft fair geek, I'd like it to be noted that we actually swapped...kind of....she bought from me eeep!, I bought from her....that's a swap, right? right?). Also scored an adorable patch from Dory (who I just made the connection writes at The Green Peugot) and swapped for some good stash from Becky. I lusted after a good many beautifully made things, as well - which I probably will go over in heartbreaking detail tomorrow. It's dangerous for the wallet to vend at a good craft fair!
Good talk, good venue, good crowd, good people, good snacks and tea, good craft, good Safiya and Mr. S. It was a happy happy day and I am tired tired.
More fun stuff tomorrow.
gee thanks for the warm words. Wasn't it a nice show? I was glad to meet you and I'm loving the things you made!
That's super cute - one of these days I'll organize my needles, too. Last week I started winding my embroidery floss onto small pieces of steps!
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